Healthy Protein Packed Chocolate Ice Cream!
Healthy Protein Packed Chocolate Ice Cream!

Healthy Protein Packed Chocolate Ice Cream!

Imagine the best chocolate, soft-serve ice cream you have ever had. Maybe you just got done with a workout, it’s hot outside, and you are ready to refuel with something cool and delicious. Chocolate soft-serve anyone? Sounds refreshing, but I have something even better for you.

After a workout, I like to refuel with a source of protein and a hefty amount of carbohydrates. Today’s recipe is the perfect combination of the two and is my favorite post-workout snack. I shared this recipe on my website years ago, and it is still, to this day, the most popular recipe on my site.

After reading through the ingredients, you may be a little hesitant to try this recipe. I understand, many people are, but I assure you that if you give it a try, you’ll be hooked!

Did I mention it tastes like chocolate ice cream?

Chocolate “Ice Cream”


2 cups frozen sweet potato, baked and cubed

1 scoop Gnarly Chiseled Chocolate Whey protein powder

1 heaping tbsp cacao powder

½ cup almond milk

1 cup ice


In advance, prepare the sweet potatoes. Bake them on a baking sheet in the oven at 350 degrees F until cooked through. Once fully cooked, cube potatoes, allow to cool, and freeze.

Once potatoes are fully frozen and you’re ready to make the chocolate “ice cream”, add all of the ingredients into a high-powered blender and blend until smooth, adding almond milk gradually. Use more almond milk if more liquid is needed for blending.

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