K/Rail Publishes His Super Clean, Super Tasty Cookbook, Act of Nutrition

You might remember me talking about Kevin Rail from The Lean Berets (or K/Rail as he likes to be called) a few months back when I met him over the course of a weekend as I subjected myself to a StrongFirst kettlebell certification course. K/Rail is one of those guys that doesn’t live his life in grey. From what I’ve seen of the man, he’s black and white. Either something is working for you, or it’s not. Either something is a positive influence on your body and your spirit, or it’s absolutely not. I like that. Kevin is especially like this when it comes to food and fitness. So we’re pretty happy to help him announce his new eBook, Act of Nutrition: A user-friendly guide to eating healthy, affordably and conveniently.

act of nutrition

What you’ll find inside are some recipes that will not only keep all kinds of chemicals, artificial junk, and nonsensical ingredients out of your temple-like body, but these recipes taste ridiculously good too! -Hey, that’s kinda like Gnarly. Just sayin’.

Anyway, K/Rail has been gracious enough to share this code with all of us denizens so that we can get his sweet book at a discount. Enter the code FF20 when purchasing the ebook for your discount!

Not only is the man a culinary stud, turns out he’s pretty generous too. Thanks Kevin!

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