Working out at home: A roundup of some great home fitness apps and sites
Working out at home: A roundup of some great home fitness apps and sites

Working out at home: A roundup of some great home fitness apps and sites

While a lot of you thrive off the energy, change of scenery and variety of equipment found in a gym, or some need only a pair of running shoes, a bike, or a pool, many find it easy and convenient to work out at home. We found a few great articles out there which review the best online resources and apps to support you home-workout enthusiasts.

Time Magazine reviews 6 great apps and sites for home fitness

PC Magazine on the 25 Best Fitness Apps

Best Fitness Apps for iPhone

10 Best Fitness Apps for Android

A cheap DIY home gym (

8 Weeks to Sealfit – The Navy Seal Workout

10 Crossfit workouts to try at home

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