Gnarly Core Workout with Pro Climber, Nathaniel Coleman
Gnarly Core Workout with Pro Climber, Nathaniel Coleman

Gnarly Core Workout with Pro Climber, Nathaniel Coleman

We have a special workout designed by Gnarly Athlete, Nathaniel Coleman, to build the core power necessary for all those dynamic climbing moves Nathaniel pulls off so easily.

Nathaniel built this workout for climbers specifically and now you can do it at home. It doesn’t require equipment and takes about 25 minutes.

Download the a PDF version of the workout here. 

Are you ready? 3..2..1.. Go!

Round 1 (8 min)

(10 each) jumping jacks; clapping jacks; scissor jacks (arms cross & legs cross, opposite arm
and leg cross over, then switch)
(10 each) standing helicopter arms (hips don’t move, shoulders rotate); upward arm throws (use
core to decelerate arms)
(10) supine one leg lifts (other leg remains vertical, balance shoe on foot to force stability)
(5) supine double leg circles (legs stay together, down one side, sweep across floor, up other
(10) cactus arm superman pulses

(2 min rest)

Round 2 (6 min)

(15 sec each) plank; high/low plank up downs
(10 sec each) side plank; side plank reach thru; switch sides
(10 sec each) high/low plank up downs; plank
(30 sec breather)
(15 sec) bicycles
(5 sec) 6 inches
(15 sec) double hand penguins
(5 sec) supine raised leg toe touches
(15 sec) box knee crunches (thighs vertical, shins horizontal)
(5 sec) flutter kicks
(15 sec) V-ups w/ twist
(5 sec) supine raised leg toe touches
(15 sec) supine windshield washers
(5 sec) 6 inches
(15 sec) bent leg V-ups
(30 sec breather)
(15 sec each) superman w/ arms at I (12 o’clock); w/ arms Y; arms T; arms A; arms swimming
(moving back and forth from I to A)

(3 min rest)

Round 3 (10 min)

(10 sec) plank
(10 sec each) plank w/ R arm reach; w/ L arm reach; L leg reach; R leg reach
(10 sec) plank
(10 sec each) side plank; side plank w/ vertical hip thrusts; side plank w/ reach thru pulses;
switch sides
(10 sec) plank
(10 sec each) plank w/ R arm & L leg reach; plank w/ L arm & R leg reach
(10 sec) high/low plank up downs
(10 sec) plank
(1 min breather)
(30 sec) bent leg V-ups
(10 sec) 6 inches
(30 sec) supine windshield wipers
(10 sec) supine raised leg toe touches
(30 sec) V-ups w/ twist
(10 sec) flutter kicks
(30 sec) box knee crunches (thighs vertical, shins horizontal)
(10 sec) supine raised leg toe touches
(30 sec) double hand penguins
(10 sec) 6 inches
(30 sec) bicycles
(1 min breather)
(15 sec each) superman tantrums* in I; Y; T; and A
*superman tantrums – in superman position, raise opposite arm and leg, then switch.
pace about 2 switches per second
(10 sec each) superman raises in I; Y; T; and A
(1 min breather)

Round 4 (1 min)

(20 sec) mountain climbers
(20 sec) cross mountain climbers
(20 sec) alternate between up dog & down dog

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