New Study Reports Healthy Mind Is Only A Cup Of Green Tea Away
New Study Reports Healthy Mind Is Only A Cup Of Green Tea Away

New Study Reports Healthy Mind Is Only A Cup Of Green Tea Away

A new Chinese study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research reports that a cup of green tea helps benefit memory, cognitive abilities and spatial awareness. For years, green tea has been known for its powerful antioxidant concentration that helps in lowering the risk of many deadly lines of cancer. It’s also known to lower the risk of developing dementia as well as boosting metabolism to assist weight loss efforts. This new research just adds to the growing evidence that green tea is, indeed, a true superfood.

Regarding their research, the authors of the study noted, “There has been plenty of scientific attention on its use in helping prevent cardiovascular diseases, but now there is emerging evidence that its chemical properties may impact cellular mechanisms in the brain.”

The study focused on the organic chemical in green tea known as EGCG (epigallocatechin-3 gallate), an active polyphenol that has shown benefits to supporting memory and brain function in older studies. The study found that EGCG promotes the development of neural progenitor cells -cells that can only divide and replicate a finite amount of times. These cells help contribute to memory and thought abilities.

So if you have a big test coming up, need an extra edge in losing a bit of weight, or if you just want to do everything you can to help prevent cancer, it seems like green tea is your new best friend. And, for the record, Gnarly’s pre workout supplement, Pump, has 60mg of green tea extract. Oh yeah!

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