Paleo Salt & Vinegar Cabbage Recipe
Paleo Salt & Vinegar Cabbage Recipe

Paleo Salt & Vinegar Cabbage Recipe

This recipe for Paleo Salt & Vinegar Cabbage is simple and delicious. It’s a great way to indulge your salt craving while keeping your diet clean.

Paleo Salt & Vinegar Cabbage

Keep your cabbage and onion in the same size category. If you can only find a small cabbage get a small onion.

  • 1 medium head of green cabbage sliced into thin strips (think coleslaw!)
  • 1 medium onion sliced into thin strips
  • 2 tablespoons ghee or grass fed butter- divided
  • 1 teaspoon of salt- divided
  • Apple cider vinegar and red pepper flakes to taste.

Melt one tablespoon of the ghee in a large pot over medium low heat. When it melts add all of the onion plus a half a teaspoon of salt. Sauté until just soft. Add your cabbage, the other tablespoon of ghee, and the other half teaspoon of salt. Cover and cook until tender stirring frequently. It usually takes about 20 minutes. Garnish with red pepper flakes and a drizzle of apple cider vinegar.

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