Effective Mindset Strategies for Running Longevity

Gnarly Clinics

Effective Mindset Strategies for Running Longevity


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Terry Chiplin

This clinic covers key factors that athletes have at their control that will enable them to focus on mindset strategies that support running longevity, rather than creating roadblocks that inhibit progress and consistency as we age.

In This Clinic

Thoughts Become Things

  • Credit: Mike Dooley (tut.com)


  • Everything that we have created as a species was imagined first


  • The power of a positive imagination


  • Make steps towards the outcome you seek


  • Focus on what you want, not what you fear

How to Love Yourself

  • The human side of human beings


  • To fully love someone else, you need to love yourself


  • The ability to listen to your body as a runner or athlete


  • To do this you need to spend some time running easy and learn to love your body and what it can do


  • Letting go of what you can’t control

The Importance of Play

  • Play is our natural way of being, combined with the power of laughter


  • Watch children and animals


  • As adults we tend to lose touch with our ability to play spontaneously


  • Whenever we do play it lifts our spirits


  • Trail running is my favorite way to play
    • Bounce off rocks, trees, roots, power up climbs, fly downhills...

Living in the Present Moment

  • Over the last 14 years trail running has taught me the importance of living in the present
    • My femur healing experience


  • When we live in the past we can feel depressed and regretful


  • When we live in the future we can feel anxious and worried


  • When we live in the present we are at peace and alive


  • Lose our ability to broaden our vision, and then miss the incredible opportunities that life gives to each and every one of us


  • 103 year old “Hurricane Hawkins”


  • Set WR for 50m and 100m dash


  • Her key tip: Look for magic moments - keep your eyes open for them
    • Sunsets and sunrises
    • Rainbows
    • Beautiful birds
    • Music and singing
    • People’s comments
    • Nature and animals

Our Mindset Programs

  • Runner’s mindset: 21 day program to help runners focus on their many positives during these challenging times with next to no races


  • Activacuity: an app available in iOS only that provides a mental training program for athletes of all ages and abilities using the power of positive psychology


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